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15 things you need to know about nysc ppa


1. What is NYSC PPA?

NYSC Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) is a place where you perform the duty of serving your fatherland. You need a place to work and show contributions during your service year. And that is why the authority of your PPA will have to rate you when you are done with them.

2. Do I Have to Sort for PPA on My Own?

No, you will be assigned PPA at the end of Camp-Passing-Out-Parade (POP), except you relocate which you will still be assigned in your new state if you don’t have recommendation.

3. What Are The Possible Places Of Primary Assignment In The NYSC Scheme?

You may be posted to schools (Primary, Secondary, Colleges of Education, Polytechnics, Universities), Hospital, Clinic, Government ministries and Parastatals, Private companies/firms excluding oil companies, Shipping companies, and Banks except in special cases.

4. Why Would A PPA Reject Me?

A PPA can reject you based on different reasons. However, the common ones are lack of accommodation, lack of space or facilities, too many corp members, not enough money to pay, and so on.

5. What is the benefit of getting rejected?

It’s true; it may sound negative, but has a lot of benefits. If you are rejected from one PPA, you will have the opportunity of looking out for a more conducive PPA by yourself. And perhaps, one with higher pay. rejecting will give you an open cheque to find a place of your choice especially for non relocating corpers.

6. Can I change PPA after I am already accepted and started working?

Yes, you surely can. Just that it’s not always as easy as when you have not been accepted at all. For you to be changed in this situation, you must be able to present a really genuine and important reason and excuse to your LGI.

7. Can I be rejected after I am accepted at a PPA?

Yes, you can be rejected. I have seen a principal reject about 7 Corp Members for asking for their rights just four (4) months to the end of the service year. Your boss will write NYSC by him/herself. It is not your concern. This happens only in rare cases.

8. Can I change to a new local government entirely?

Yes, you can but it can be very stressful. You may have to report to your present local government after they have given you permission, then you will open a file at the new local government. But, it’s easier said than done, and best done from state level.

9. Do I have any rights at my PPA?

Yes, you do have rights. Your posting letter from NYSC camp stated that you are to be addressed as a staff. so you have all the rights of staff anywhere you are posted as your PPA.

10. What if my PPA refuses to reject me after staying with them for some time?

Write a “letter of reposting” format is pinned to this channel. If they still do not do anything about it, remain persistent in writing and complaining to your LGI. Before you wrote four (4) letters, they will change your PPA. Persistence is the key.

11. If I am rejected and don’t want NYSC to give me a PPA, what do I do?

In that case, after getting your rejection letter, go and look for a good place by yourself. Negotiate terms with them and collect an request letter from them format also in the pinned post and you can take it to your LGI.

12. If I am being maltreated/harassed at my PPA, what can I do?

You can do two things. You can either stand and fight for yourself or report the case to your LI or LGI. If it is critical, you can call the state coordinator into it. But it’s advisable to go through your LI and expect the situation to be fixed immediately.

13. Can I change my PPA to another State entirely?

No, you can not. Except you relocate.

14. Can I continue working at my PPA after the NYSC service?

Yes, you can. Some places can retain you and make you their staff if you impress them enough. You can write an application letter to your PPA when you are through. You can even discuss it with your boss while serving.

15. Am I entitled to leave or break at my PPA?

Not really,
but if you’re extremely unwell, you can ask for sick leave. A letter requesting sick leave must be addressed to your PPA. Similar to this, you receive one (1) day off from your PPA each week to complete your CDS work during your CDS. When schools are on vacation, educators take a break. In addition, you should duplicate your PPA and request any additional leaves you require from NYSC.

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